Want a simple system to design your days?
It has not been an easy time for anyone. If you are a mom trying to juggle work, home life, kids schooling, and still maintain your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, I have a simple system to help...

Hi I'm Jess...
...And I get it!
We are living through an incredibly challenging time. As a mom I know you are juggling what feels like a million balls. You like to do things to the best of your ability, but right now I bet you are tired. Really, really tired.
Never before has it been so important to cultivate practises in our lives that build resilience

A couple of years ago I was looking for a planner
So many that I looked into didn't take into account all the roles that make up my life.
I wanted something that:
- helped me maintain healthy habits
- encouraged positive mental health
- included space to write down the many tasks related to home and family life (not just work!)
- automated household chore planning so I could get on with the rest of my life
- had space to record those little moments that so easily slip from memory
When I couldn't find what i was looking for, I decided to create it for myself.
Little did I know how much that structure would help in the crazy world of 2020, and then beyond
It helped me, so now I want to share it with you.
Click here to get yours, only £10!
Using my own personal experience as a busy working mom, my background in occupational therapy in mental health, and some simple coaching strategies, I've created a planning system to help you be intentional in designing your days.
So what are you getting?
A beautifully designed PDF printable planner
More than 25 individually designed pages. Pick the ones most relevant to you.
Packed full of checklists, habit trackers, month, week and day planners and much more
Course videos
I'll share the science behind the features I've included, why I've included them and how to leverage the research to optimise your wellbeing.

This planning system includes
- Beautifully designed PDF printables
- A planner, calendar, space to journal, family command centre, weekly menu and lots more
- Step by step guides and checklists with practical ideas and strategies to create a gentle structure to simplify your life and make time for what matters most to you
- Ideas for regular meetings with your spouse so you are both on the same page
- A place to dream and set goals
- Annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly reviews and previews to help you stay on track
- Habit trackers to track your most important goals
- A year per page view
- A quarter per page view
- A month per page view
- A thoughtfully designed daily planner based on the science of wellbeing, the latest research on habits
- Prompts to take into account your own unique sensory preferences and menstrual rhythms to optimise your function
- And more...

Quick to consume course videos
I know you are busy, I'll keep it brieff!
During these lessons I'll explain the science behind what is included in this system and why
How using this system will help you prioritise your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing
How you can balance all your many roles without feeling swamped
I'll take you through some ideas about how to use this system.
How do I access the planner?
I already have a diary... is it still worth buying this planner?
How much is it?
Can I buy the printed version?
Ready to buy?